
Dreams in the Bible: Divine Communication & Modern Meaning

Prophetic Dreams and Visions

Dreams and Visions as Prophecy in the Bible

Beyond serving as direct lines of communication from God, dreams and visions in the Bible frequently bear prophetic significance, often foretelling events that would have profound implications for individuals and nations.

Joseph, the son of Jacob, is a pivotal figure in this regard. In Genesis 37:5-11, Joseph has two dreams that predict his future ascendency over his brothers, which cause jealousy and resentment among them. These dreams were prophetic, setting the course for a chain of events that would lead Joseph to Egypt and eventually to a position of power.

Another notable figure associated with prophetic dreams is Daniel. In Daniel 7, he has a series of visions that depict four great beasts, each symbolizing a kingdom. These dreams were not just prophetic for Daniel’s time but have been interpreted by scholars as foretelling events far into the future, revealing the rise and fall of empires and the ultimate establishment of God’s eternal kingdom.

How These Dreams and Visions Were Interpreted

The interpretation of dreams and visions in the Bible often required discernment and divine inspiration. The biblical figures known for this unique ability often held high regard and wielded influence because of their skill.

In the case of Joseph, despite his youth, he was able to understand the prophetic nature of his dreams, foreseeing his future dominion. Later in his life, his ability to interpret dreams elevated his position, especially when he correctly interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams, predicting seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine.

Daniel also had the divine gift of interpreting dreams. His ability to decipher King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, which the king’s wise men failed to interpret, marked him as a man of wisdom and discernment. Daniel’s interpretation of the king’s dream saved many lives, and his subsequent visions were meticulously recorded and interpreted, serving as prophetic scriptures of significant future events.

The interpretation of dreams was not a casual endeavor in biblical times. It required spiritual discernment, often seen as a divine gift, and had serious implications for the individual dreamer and sometimes the entire community or nation.